Hey, want a cake

It’s so hard to give things to people for free… even if you have a basket of yummy snacks and drinks right next to you to offer.

Even harder:try to engage people in a conversation!

Our first experience with customer surveys last month was really a life lesson learned:
1. dont try to engage customers right behind the checkout
–>if the service customer manager tells you to, try to convince him otherwise:people will just RUN
2. fill up their free time in the queue or at the bus stop = MUCH BETTER

On average you might get
-1 person to talk to you and give sensible answer every 5 minutes
= 12 people per hour
= 6 hours – (1 hour of breaks and lunch) = ca. 60 people in a day!

So please,
BE NICE whenever someone tries to ask you some questions,

From Polyport

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